Marcus Samie Anderson


Marcus Samie Anderson


Hello everyone!

I am so glad that you took the time to visit my portfolio site!  Here's some background information about me.  I was born in Baltimore Maryland to a Software engineer mother and a Capitol Records recording artist father in 1986.  Our family relocated to Durham, NC in 1990 where I have resided ever since.  I had a strong inclination to art and music at a young age, (5 years old) to be exact.  This love for drawing cartoons stuck with me all the way through college at Living Arts College in Raleigh, NC.  I graduated with honors and awards in 2010 from Living arts college with dual concentration in Digital Media, and Web Development.  

I currently am a visual arts specialist for RENCI, singer, father, and husband in Raleigh, NC.  Creativity is my passion and it is implemented in business through our company Fly Above Graphics & Tees, LLC.  

Thanks for visiting my portfolio site! Cheers to creating more great design ideas going forward!




